NDT-DDP1 – Drug Delivery Platform:

This joint patent between CSIR-IICT in India and the Mayo Clinic of USA, is a drug delivery platform for cancer therapeutics and was licensed to NanoDev Therapeutics LLC on October 9, 2018.

  • Description: Platform formulations with anticancer drugs and genes for better targeting to cancer stem cells. In vitro: inhibits tumor cells growth in several solid tumors including breast cancer stem cells (CSC), and different leukemic cells including patients samples. In vivo: inhibiting tumor growths of orthotopic pancreatic, breast CSC and skin cancers. There will be at least four different formulations upcoming.
  • Patented in US & India to date. Patent Pending in additional market.
  • Valuation: Risk adjusted net present value is for just three formulation is over $86 million.

Fig 1:  In vivo anti-tumor activity of N-19 and synergism with gemcitabine. (A) Tumor volume, (B) Tumor weight in in AsPC-1 orthotopic xenografts generated in Scid mice after 2x/wk treatment for three weeks with control.

  • Number of Patents: 4 new anti-cancer molecules (including in house)
  • Descriptions: We are working with three well-known institutions to get 4 new licenses for our licensing pipeline. Those small molecule inhibitors against different kind of cancers. At the same time we are also planning to develop our own small molecules that will be added our pipeline with our own patents. 
  • New Targeted Therapies:



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